Secondary Resources
Resources for ages 11-16
Some great resources for young people aged 11-18. More resources added regularly. (last updated Nov 2020)
ABRSM has some great free apps which are fun and great learning resources and there are some paid apps for string practice of ABRSM grade material
Music Technology videos by the BBC Teach website to help pupils with their KS3-GCSE music tech compositions.
BBC Bitesize music resources for KS3
BBC Bitesize resources for GCSE
Videos about all the featured composers and key well-known compositions plus there are loads of other free resources available.
Free teacher classroom resources suitable for use in music lessons with secondary school children at Key Stage 3 in England,
Free teacher classroom resources suitable for use in music lessons with secondary school children at Key Stage 4 and GCSE in England,
Kathy & David Blackwell
These downloads on the Blackwell’s site are really useful for string players
London Symphony Orchestra
Some great resources for older children, including: The Alice Sound - For Ages 7–12 (Key Stage 2). Delve into the captivating world of Lewis Carroll’s Alice books, hear brand-new music created by composer Paul Rissmann, performed by the London Symphony Orchestra, sing and play along, and explore a range of resources and activities from professor Kiera Vaclavik..
Online resources from our friends at the Leicestershire Music Hub.
Music First
Secondary General Music and Music Theory resources. Sign up for cool things like ‘O-Generator’, a simple way to create your own piece of music, and ‘Focus on sound’ a multi-media music encyclopaedia that includes things like music history, music technology and jazz-rock.
Orchestra of the Swan
A series of short videos from Diane Clark, our principal flautist, talking about how she became flautist and the flute extracts from Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique and Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 4, plus some hints and tips for practising. Also three short videos from our principal bassoonist Philip Brookes, talking about the Mozart Bassoon concerto, his bassoon and how he became a player and Mozart's overture to the Marriage of Figaro. These are aimed at instrumental students and those studying GCSE/A Level. More videos will be available soon. Let us have your feedback on these resources so we can pass it on to the makers.
Services for Education
Services for Education have provided heaps of home-schooling resources covering a variety of topics to help you juggle working from home and home-schooling.